Patchwork in blue

Before I had the blocking board, I would block squares „old school“: either individually, with needles, pinned on my ironing board, or – depending on yarn and size – stitch (or crochet) them together first and block the finished blanket later.

In December, I chose the latter for the blue squares.

My mother had knitted them (just like here). And again they were perfect: same size, same (sock) yarn.

Stitching them together should not have been an issue – however, it was. It took me forever this time, even though the finished blanket is pretty small : 32 x 32 in.

patchwork blanket häkelmonster
© my sister

For the time being, the bird is happy with it. Let’s see who is next. My sister took the pictures and I am amazed by its light and blue and atmosphere. Aren’t you?

And then there was even enough blue yarn left for blue socks in a size 8.5. Well, almost enough …

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