The Lilly cardigan

As much as I love Ravelry (and I love it a lot!) – it has all those knitting books I own get dusty on the shelf. However, there are exceptions: Essentially Feminine Knits by Lene Holme Samsoe is one of them.

It’s a great book!

The introduction is titled “All you knit is love” and that totally fits the book: a collection of 25 must-have garments and accessories for every occasion, casual to dressy, and arranged by type of knitting, (i.e. garter stitch, leaf , cable, lace patterns, etc.)

Well-produced, with good pictures, a nice layout, and plenty of the necessary information, it features beautiful sweater, scarf and cardigan patterns, all of them well written and clearly presented, perfect for intermediate to advanced knitters.

I have knitted the Lilly cardigan back in 2014 and could not be happier with it (to this day).

Hence, I suggest you either buy the book or look it up on Ravelry and take a look at the designs yourself.

For me, the Tara scarf is next 🙂