How come that December is always so much shorter than any other month? At least, that is what it feels like. Didn’t we just start advent and – bam! – Christmas is over?! Crazy!
Luckily, we were gone for a few days to spent time with family. And finally, the minute we arrived at the holiday flat, we started feeling christmassy. We had rented the flat close to my mother-in-law’s, to have a “retreat” whenever needed. Because, no matter how much the world would have us believe every year that family gatherings around the holidays are a warm, glittering dream awash with cheer and goodwill to all – the truth is: they’re not. At least not with us. This is why we decided this year, to rent a flat, to go “home” at night and return for breakfast in a happy mood to see everyone. And it worked out perfectly.
The flat was not only large and full of light, but beautifully decorated by our landlady: sparkling little stars, fairy lights, luminous deer, nut-crackers and chocolate, even DIY books for me to read – it was all there! Then again … it wasn’t only for the decorations. Our landlord too had his share in making Christmas happen for us. It was him after all who managed to open the front door after we locked ourselves out on Christmas Eve (leaving the only key at the door lock inside …😬).
Both of them did whatever they could to make us feel comfortable. So nice! We loved the Melitta coffee pot and its matching porcelain filter for breakfast, Maria and the baby above the dinner table. Lots of countryside and silence all around us. No internet.
And we enjoyed family: the poker games at night, the talks and dinners. Somehow, along the way, I started knitting another wrap (forget WIPs and resolutions). It is growing fast – thanks to the help of a little angel that my neighbors gave me for Christmas.
In short: four days of too much food, lots of fun, quite a bit of knitting, presents (of course) and quiet sleep. We loved it!
Back in Berlin, the husband’s eldest son took off for Copenhagen, our youngest (surprise!) is back to basketball. The man and I are off work for another few days, see friends, sleep in. I wouldn’t mind if things stayed that way. Life is good.
All my hopes, all my thoughts and all my dreams for a happy and peaceful New Year for all of us!