The Garter Ear Flap Hat by Purl Soho

Last night, I went out to celebrate a wonderful friend’s birthday. (I have to admit, that slowly but surely, I am feeling too old for evening invitations during the week … getting up was tough this morning, but that’s another story).

She did not want us to bring presents. She just wanted us to be there. However, I didn’t want to go empty-handed, hence I knit her a hat.

Purl Soho’s Garter Ear Flap Hat. Knits up in no time, fits perfectly and makes a lovely gift. Fortunately, the birthday girl has a twin sister – hence, I got to knit a second hat. Both of them were a huge success last night.

Therefore, there is a third Ear Flap Hat on my needles now. Looks like this might be my Christmas present for everyone this year 🙂

What are you working on?


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