Hemp, part 2

Do you remember the super beautiful hemp skein that my friend – a knitter herself, at least occasionally – brought me from Scandinavia? It has been sitting here for a while but finally I managed a first hemp project in mid-September.

Inspired by pictures I found online when looking for #RopeBaskets, I decided to make one myself. The hardware store had dark blue twisted cord and all else is improvisation. There is no pattern for the basket.

In fact, there is no pattern needed as “coating” a rope with single crochet is not rocket science. Only the ending was a bit tricky as you can’t hide it with the cord being that thick. Hence, I decided to make the inevitable obvious by forming a big loop. It should be fine (as long as no one pulls the loop or lifts the basket by holding on to the loop).

I can see this basket with bread or fruits, yarn or stuff.

When done, I gave it – together with beautiful red Edda – to the friend that had given me the skein. A win-win situation so to speak. For both of us. Especially, as there is still some hemp left.

I might turn it into another basket. Bigger, rounder, and with a lid. What do you think?

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