Market Bag “Edda”

I remember market bags from when I was a child. Back then, there was no grocery shopping without them. They were colorful and made of polyester or plastic. All of a sudden, they are back and I see them everywhere, handmade and in better quality: knitted or crocheted, big or small, some rather long, others more roundish.

Paula strickt came up with the nicest pattern ever (I sure hope there will be an English translation sometime soon).

Following her pattern, I knitted a bag using linen yarn, adding cotton for a (crochet) edging, as I wanted the yarn to look more like yarn, rather than twine. However, my color choice needs definitely some improvement.

But that bag is such a wonderful in-between-project!

Size and shape are perfect – once finished, it seemed to be so small but it is not. See how easily a basketball fits in there? I’ll have to knit (at least) another one. Maybe even two.

For groceries and my knitting. And for a basketball or two …

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