Test knit: Wavelength

In case you missed it – among lots of other stuff, Sophia writes beautiful sock pattern. Newest addition to that “sock family” is Wavelength and I was lucky enough to test knit. No idea whether name or pattern came first, all I know is that increases and decreases indeed remind me of relaxing ocean waves rolling in.

Wavelength Stichfest HäkelmonsterMaybe I should not have chosen variegated yarn, as now those waves are not as obvious as they might have been when knitted with a solid color. However, variegated or not – they’re ocean colors.

Be it as it may, it’s a lovely pattern. Easy to follow, nothing complicated, great fit. And even though I did not like Sophia’s idea of binding off – they’re neither constricting nor too loose. Hence, a bit of extra work but totally worth it.

I’m perfectly happy with those socks. Looks like Sophia and I are (again) on the same wavelength …

So, if you are among those who like to knit socks in summer, have a look at the pattern over at ravelry and knit an ocean for your feet.