The Japanese cherry disaster, the portable basketball hoop, the moths – I blogged about quite a few things lately. Not much about yarn though. High time to catch up!
Especially, after I have finished another test knit: beautiful Bright Above Me, a while ago. It has been lying around for quite a few days and (hopefully!) that won’t change any time soon as luckily it is warm outside, getting warmer every day – not the right weather for a sweater made of Lettlópi yarn …

Don’t get me wrong: That sweater turned out exactly as I wanted it to be. I am perfectly happy with everything: the colors, the yarn, the pattern, the fitting.
However, if you are familiar with the pattern you may have noticed that I have changed one thing: instead of knitting top-down, I chose bottom-up. Why? For no particular reason. I just like it better. That’s all. Plus, towards the end, finishing seems to be faster. And, in addition, I think it suits the stars’ tips a lot better.
All else was done according to pattern.
I am still not looking forward to the oncoming cold in fall and winter (not yet summer, I know), but once it’s here it will be a lot easier to endure ; )