
Two weeks a year our garden is pink. The huge Japanese cherry blooms so incredibly lush and beautiful that even in the house everything (due to the reflection) seems to be pink. Just a few days ago, I wondered why we never do a garden party, invite friends and neighbors under that pink canopy of our cherry.

Now I am tempted to say it was wise we never had anyone over lately …

Japanese Cherry HäkelmonsterFor last week, all that pink became too heavy and the beautiful tree broke apart. Just like that. At least one third could no longer hold up its flowers.

I keep telling myself that from now on there will be more light in our garden and eventually something like a lawn under what is left of the tree. (And that the wood – once cut, dried, split – will be firewood; plenty of it and great quality).

However, I am sad.

This is why the Japanese cherry has had an influence on my color choice for today’s hexagon.

Japanese Cherry Hexagone HäkelmonsterFour months of hexagons, one third of 2018, 120 days – packed in bags. January. February. March. April. One per day – that’s the plan. More and more, this project gets slow as molasses … I keep making those hexagons nonetheless. Ideally, one is done even before breakfast. I love to sit outside on the porch, now that it is getting warmer, overlooking the garden. Knitting when everyone else is still asleep. However, it doesn’t always work that way. At times, it rains. At times, I might not be in the mood.

If it didn’t have that smack of “capitulating”, maybe I would have stopped long ago.

Tomorrow, I will knit the next one. One for the cherry, one for spring, one for …

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