Birkin. Again

Here comes another blogpost about a sweater I really want to have. However, things are complicated (see it’s beginnings here). It’s a process and I wonder if you are up to reading it. Who knows. Maybe some day someone will knit the Birkin sweater and then my writings might be helpful. At least, that is what I am hoping for.

Plus, this time I am actually convinced that things will work out. Finally!

So, what’s new?

I started over with a provisional cast-on below the neckband, casting on stitches for an L-size sweater. Then, I modified the increases between flowers and second green twine according to the instructions for an M-size sweater. Finally, I skipped the last row of increases altogether.

Häkelmonster Birkin SweaterAbove all, yellow is back in the game. Believe it or not – those cheerful yellow dots make me happy! ☀️

In the meantime, I started knitting the neckband to check its width and correct fit. I still need to decide whether I want it to be a folded neckband (grey on the outside, green on the inside). Karen Templer wrote a great “how to” on her blog that really inspires me.

Birkin HäkelmonsterLast night was the first try-on and – at least for now – everything is just the way I wanted it to be. The yoke may be slightly too powerful, slightly too many rows, which may give me too much room below the armpits but maybe it’s fine for a loose fit sweater. Once, I have knit some more of the body, I will know.

It’s getting there! Yay!

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