Summer in France

We went to France again this summer. Same apartment, same old: Bordeaux, the ocean, the sky, the quiet, the wine, and my knitting. And again we loved it. Moving to France is still high up on my wish list. If only we could …

Summer HäkelmonsterFeels like I am stuck in some sort of a time warp. After all, I wrote pretty much the same last summer.

Summer HäkelmonsterHowever, this year I like to add that two weeks were clearly not enough. I was barely ready to start reading the books I had taken along when time was up and we had to go back.

Summer HäkelmonsterWhile there, I knit another down to the river shawl (the first is on my German blog) that I need to block before showing it to you. And quiet a lot of little leaves. Again, we would attach them everywhere – trying hard to find matching places.

Now we’re back. (Sigh …). And I had to go back to work the next day. (Sigh …). But at least I have been able to charge my batteries and finally finish some projects.

Like the baby blue baby cardigan:

Baby Cardigan HäkelmonsterI had finished it a long time ago but never managed to find matching buttons, let alone stitch them on. But there they were: on the fleamarket. And they are perfect!


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