Wool from Saxony-Anhalt

‘My sister does not knit’ would be an understatement. Unfortunately, it’s more like: she doesn’t care about yarn, is neither interested in design nor in the craft itself (at all).

And yet she surprised me a few days ago with a little something, a thoughtful present. No birthday, no nothing – just like that. Because she saw it and thought of me.

What can I say? Bull’s-Eye!

Four balls of yarn, perfect and round by Werkstatt Holzwolle. Red, blue and two shades of green, 212 grams in all. Wool from mountain sheep, slightly scratchy, washed and spun without further chemical treatment. Mountain sheep, which – and that really pleases me – live barely 50km away from my parents’ house (and I didn’t even know they existed …).

I keep looking at those balls of yarn, winded up so tightly without a ball band or anything. The colors are beautiful. It should be enough yarn for a kid’s cardigan. Or maybe gloves.

My sister says she had been to a market in the area and when passing by the yarn stall she just knew she had to give some to me. However, she had no idea what to get, what I might like and therefore she had just reached into the box with the leftovers.

What I might like?? Wool of happy sheep, sheep that I can actually visit if I like to. Local yarn. Yarn with a story to tell.

Just like the yarn she gave me ❤︎

When was the last time you got all excited about a specific yarn?



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